Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Hopefest 2008-2009

I think a reasonable amount of time has passed for me to be Able to reflect on this, which is why I'm writing this now (Also, I'm very drunk):

November 4th, 2008- History was broken and made anew- well, not literally, because that's...just not possible- you can't break "history", just as you can't break "space", "time", or "NOUN." However, historical-and-seemingly-inevitable-regarding-our-future precedents were contradicted. Vehemently.

You were probably out with those...those persons with whom you often socialize and speak- you know, "friends"? (No, NOT the television show- LoLprogramming!) Maybe you were at a bar, or scheduled super-fun-time-watch-the-polls event. That's so cool! I was going to go to one, but my ex decided to fight with me on g-chat during my entire work day (when I proffered a ceasefire, she yell-typed that I Always end arguments in that manner- I am Such a douche! (I know!)). Of course, some of our mutual friends were going to be there- sorry, I mean, several no-longer-my-friends were going to be there. Needless to blog, I opted to not attend the watch that bitch get drunk and make out with someone, "not because I have to, but because I CAN"-fest. Coincidentally, I didn't want to watch my ex do the same- Hey-YO! (Wait, to whom was I referring? Vhatever.)

What did I do? Aww- you're so sweet. =^D

I cut myself and spent the night laying in the blood of my wrists (i.e., corporeal form), crying- like some sort of vampire with a big broken bottle of Type 0-. I didn't even get drunk- because That would've been a little Too self-destructive- amirite?!

Thankfully, I've mastered the art of wussy-self-mutilation- that is, cutting oneself, bleeding onself, but not in a blatantly noticeable manner. Examples of Noticeable cutting/bleeding oneself? Dying, probably the biggest. Also, while the form I practice could be considered "super faggy lamefest", I would have to contend such an opinion- first of all, it's 2009- being faggy has been cool in all the places that matter for quite some time (sorry stuff in between NYC/Brooklyn and...most of Cali!). Second, while it isn't as captial-r-Romantic-sounding as "ending my existence", I never have been arrested or held overnight at a hospital for the SUPRLAME action of "attempted suicide".

If you find yourself Attempting suicide, and then -somehow- experiencing ANYTHING post-attempt, then I... man, I have no words for you. This is a Blog, and I have no words for that personas non dead-a. "You suck- and not in a gay way" ? (as aforementioned, that would be somewhat cool)

Anywho- I'm guessing what compelled me to write about this Now, as opposed to a more relevant period of time/space/History!, is the fact that a similar event occurred today. No, not the whole "first black POTUS" thing (don't worry- I -really- placed a paper towel over my keybord- I really like this HP Pavillion Widescreen laptop!).

It's 7:10 PM. Goodnight.

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